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Monday, 4 August 2008

St Angela's 50th Golden Jubliee

It was way back in 1982 when my mother sent me to kindergarten at the age of 5 to St Angela's Convent School in Seria. Yes, we stayed in Belait District during my childhood time. I studied there til 1986 i.e. until Primary 4 before my family moved to Tutong in 1987. All I can say is St Angela's School as it is now known has taught me to learn and speak English better and also to memorise the multiplication tables well! Thanks to my teachers back then but sorry to say, I couldn't remember their names!! I didn't meet any of my ex-classmates that day. One reason is because some of them I know are teachers who happen to be teaching that Saturday morning. Me? I'm a teacher too, but Im on study- leave hehe.Lucky for me!I remember my friends Jacqueline, Annie (she's in one of the pictures. You still look the same Annie ;-), Nancy, Maria, emmmm who else ah.. owhh, Leslie, Suhaila. For the rest, I remember the faces but can't recall their names. Hope you ladies still remember me. Miss those primary school days with all of you.
Anyway, Happy 50th golden jubilee anniversary SAS. Hope there will be 50 more years to come and let your light shine through always and forever.

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